A Smarter Way to Partner
The Challenge
Create a complete pet care management system for new pet owners.
The Outcome
Scout9 is an app that serves as a wellness counselor for pet parents, guiding them through anything from vaccinations to behavioral difficulties.
Navigating pet care might feel like acquiring a degree in animal science for the estimated 4 million households who elect to welcome a pet into their home each year. Difficulties such as not knowing what food to buy or when to expose your puppy to other dogs can make taking a puppy home a huge gamble, with an estimated 6 to 8 million animals being relinquished in US shelters each year. Scout9 approached us to assist them in developing an app that would aid pet parents in making better decisions on behalf of their new family members in order to help improve this statistic. Your pet parenting co-pilot is the Pocket Scout. Giving you feedback on who your dog is as an individual so you may make better, more individualized decisions on their behalf.
pH-auna aimed to create a more responsive pet care model that made decisions based on the dog as an individual, rather than their breed or age. Because some pet parents require more assistance than others, a hybrid business model was envisioned to address the whole range of pet parent demands. Engaging in-app material provided a supporting layer that assisted pet parents in getting organized, staying on track, and learning the skills needed to make better decisions for their pets, while pet parents who required more hands-on assistance could contact directly with canine wellness coaches. Behind the scenes, an unseen data layer works to dynamically adapt pet parent support throughout the dog's life..
After the app's concept was defined, establishing a user experience that enticed pet owners to utilize it became essential to its success. It was important to be able to provide quick, simple, and easy to understand and follow advice, especially since the majority of new pet parents are millennials who have grown up with technology, seamlessly jumping between conversations, engaging with stimulating content, and contributing their own perspectives. As a result, Scout9 had to appear and feel like an experience that could withstand being labeled as TLDR (too lengthy, don't read). The team created a user experience that combines pet parenting with a digitally native state of mind by pulling influence from popular social networks, digital activities, and games.
"We designed an app that recognizes who your dog is and where they are in their growth," Luisa says of the methodology that resulted to Scout9's design and content strategy. "We were able to educate pet patents with the skills and tactics they needed to raise a good pup by concentrating the experience around the dog and incorporating methods from productivity tools and social media."